Monday, July 14, 2014

First Day of Preschool~

Today was Sophie's first day of preschool.  She is going to the same school as Connor and Hayden, at least until August when they begin Adams Traditional Academy. I can't believe she is starting so soon. My FMLA time is up at work at the end of July, so we are slowly introducing her to school~ half days, 2 days per week, until August.

She was really excited about taking her backpack! She had extra clothes, wipes, a sippy cup and her blanket inside. So cute ;)

The school is having Connor and Hayden visit her the first couple of days she's there, to be sure she's adjusting well and so that she knows that they are there, too. I think this will help. I feel she has attached to us so well, which gives me confidence in sending her to school just 3 months after our Gotcha Day. However, this momma is still a little sad and nervous.

Picture with the boys out front before school~ she would only stay in the picture if she was on my lap!

Here she is on our way there~

And...this is outside of school~ she was not feelin' it. Sweet Hayden sat down to tell her "it will be fun!"

We dropped the boys off in each of their rooms first. Then we went to room 4. She was clinging to me. I took her over to play with the baby dolls and a few new friends, quietly got up, and that's when the screaming began ;( Praying her day gets better!


It was 45 minutes after I dropped Sophie off, and I was calling school.  " How is she doing? Is she still crying? " You would have thought this was the first time I have been down this road ;) After 10 minutes of solid crying, she stopped. Her best friend, Addison, was there to take her under her wing. She painted, played outside, saw Hayden at the fence on the playground, and ate lunch like a big girl in the cafeteria. Overall, the day was a success! Here area  a few pictures from lunch at school~

And because she did so great at school on her 1st day, we baked some homemade chocolate chip cookies! Here she's making sure they don't burn!

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