Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Life Lessons For My Sophie~

" To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. " ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I recently read an article about 15 life lessons to teach your daughter as she grows up. I thought these points were important messages to relay to Sophie one day, and I didn't want to forget them...

1.  Enjoy your own company.
2.  Read.
3.  Crying is not a weakness.
4.  You can achieve anything you want to with just a series of very small steps.
5.  Fall in love with whomever you choose.
6.  Never allow a potential enemy know that you are afraid.
7.  You will make mistakes, plenty of them.
8.  The world will change if you let it, accept everything that it holds and remain intact.
9.  Before you drink alcohol, understand it.
10.  Don't take things personally, and don't take responsibility for other's works and actions.
11.  Cheating, lying and violence never equate to love.
12.  Learn when to say yes and when to say no.
13.  Turn whatever you love into your career.
14.  Live only in the present moment.
15.  Whatever the emotion, don't deny it.

Sophie, I pray you continue to stay sweet! I want you to grow and mature into a beautiful person, inside and out. I know that you have a huge heart and are able to overcome many obstacles. Follow your dreams and you will do great things in life.

Xoxo, Mommy

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