Friday, May 2, 2014

Free Day~

Today and tomorrow are free days for us while we wait for Sophie's Chinese Passport to be completed. This morning we went back to Old Fuzhou for me to get coffee and to be out with the local people still celebrating their holiday.  Sophie was having a not so great morning, so we stopped at the McDonald's ice cream shop and got her a Green Tea ice cream cone. It was the only flavor available, and we were not so sure, but she devoured the entire cone!

She has been so warm here.  It's pretty humid ( ~55-60% ).  Her head never seems to cool down.  Over the last few days, she has developed a heat rash on her face/neck/trunk.  She also does not like baths.  So, I wash her down with a warm wash cloth in the morning and evenings.  Also, when she came to us, she had many bug bites on the side of her face.  They kind of look like boils or welts.  I gave her some benadryl today before her afternoon nap to help out with the reaction.  She slept 3 hours.  She really needed that long nap, and it helped her be a little more open and playful tonight.  Poor thing, I think she is just uncomfortable. Here she is after taking her benadryl- passed out peacefully ;)

I think the days are getting a little bit easier for her~ we take it day by day.  Praying she is adjusting to us, slowly...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am happy to see there is ice cream (though that may be more for personal reasons). Now THAT is a smile. Taking it day by day--that's exactly right. Proud of you & am encouraged by you! Well done <3
