Thursday, September 4, 2014

Our Nightly Routine~

Each night since Sophie has been home, we "go" to bed together. What I mean is that we go into our room together, hang out before bedtime, and then she goes into her crib...which is still in our room. When we came home from China, we were to co-sleep or have her sleep close to us so that the attachment phase would be easier, and she would not feel so alone in her own room.

Well, we started reviewing flash cards together after bath, teeth and hair brushed, and jammies on. She loves this time of the night, LOVES! She hops on up in our bed and sits there making animal sounds, naming flash cards, counting, learning English. And let me tell you, she is good! She picked up on this so, so quickly!

Sometimes, Hayden sneaks downstairs because "sleeping is too long," he says. So he will do flashcards with Sophie, whom he calls his Sweetie Pie!

It is just so adorable to see how far she has come since joining our family. She wants to learn, and she reviews her flash cards nightly~ LIKE IT'S HER JOB!

Now that is one happy, smart little girl!

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