Monday, April 6, 2015

More Fun in Colorado!

We skied in Colorado, but we did many other things there, as well. Sophie LOVED hanging out with her bestie, Addison. They were really cute together, and I know they will look back on these fun times with huge smiles on their faces ;)

We went sled riding on the first day, before we tried skiing. She was NOT a fan of the snow, the first time around. She refused to go up the mountain to sled down, so she and I hung out while the others were up on the mountain.

On our way out of Vail back to Denver, we stopped to see some bison and walk around to check out nature. The kids loved it, although were kind of afraid of the bison despite the wire fence! Overall, this was an awesome vacation, new experiences in a new city and shared many memories with our friends!

1 comment:

  1. Next time you come to CO, please let me know!! I'd be so fun to get our girls together!~
