Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sophie and Her Foster Sister, Penny~

Sophie lived with the most adorable foster sister! They are about 3 months apart and the best news is that AGCI found her foster sister a forever home here in the States!! Her new momma and I have become friends, and we are planning on reuniting the girls once again ;) They have named her Penny and she is just darling!

I love these pictures of the girls together. It looks like they definitely stuck together, close to each other~

March 2014, Longyan, China~

And, here is Penny from October 2014 to April 2015~

I can't wait for these two pretty girls to meet again. Maybe we will have to send some pictures of the girls together to her foster family~ that would be a sweet gift for sure!

1 comment:

  1. I just crack up at how much they bundle the kids up! Sophie looks like she can hardly move. The day we got Kailin she had 3 long-sleeved shirts on and it was over 70 degrees that day. She was sweating profusely, it was so disgusting!!
